Hey !
I have a little issue with my chat. Two actually and I'm willing to pay 100g to the first one who solves my problem
Since I set my hold WTF folder in my new US client from my hold FR client, I have two problems with my chat :
- Everytime I relog, the chat is set on my last chat frame while it should be set on the general chat frame (first chat frame) (THIS IS MY MAIN ISSUE)
- I can't see and talk in any chat which I set on other chat frame that general chat frame. So basiclly, I want to set the world on a different chat frame that everything else to not get spam and miss important informations, but I can't because otherwise I don't see anything in it and can't talk in it too. (less important problem)
I'm horde side, character Taeguk, but I can transfer the money to alliance side if you solde correctly my problem.
Thank you so much !