zerf wrote:Regarding ID - you search once and display result to user. User chooses one auction, clicks buy and you do another search with given values (name, price, stack size, seller). If you find a match, you buy it, if not - display an error message. If there are few results, second search ofc is not needed.
Hm, but there are rarely few results on nost, are there
This would be rather clumsy if you wanna buy Runecloth with 20 pages.
zerf wrote:Anyway, the biggest benefit of buy tab imo was not grouping, but having a column that shows price of individual items in a stack (easier to compare). Later auctioneer versions have similar functionality, only in different way - it shows % of market value, so you can easily find cheapest auction in a long list.
Well but they're linked in a way. What you described above is a workaround for a multiple-pages search and sorting by price per unit isn't very interesting if you have data from one page only.
zerf wrote:My proposal is to either add similar thing into default UI (like later auctioneer versions did it) or add Buy tab and reimplement item search/buy there. I originally chose second option, because default UI is somewhat crammed, not a lot of space there. Plus, doing it in another tab has other benefits - you can implement extra features like a list of recent searches and support for random suffix items (so you can search items like "of the Frozen Wrath").
The vanilla auctioneer doesn't do anything like this? Haven't used it in a while. I definitely agree it should be in a separate tab as you need to be able to opt out if it gets too clumsy (e.g., searching something with 100 pages) and it seems too drastic a change for a toggle option.