BIG UPDATE! this addon does only for US/EN clients atm!
- added options menu- open with /debufftimers
- fixed timers (time was 0.5 sec too short)
- fixed several auras
- Warlock: added drain life, soul, mana
- Warlocks: added tainted blood(blind)
- Warrior: added Sunder Armor
- Mage: added winters chill (only if you have talent points)
- Mage: added several polymorp forms, Elemental Vulnerability T3 Setbonus,
- Mage: fixed Frostbolt R11
- Mage: added Fire Vulnerability (only if you have 3/3 scorch in talent)
- Mage: fixed chilled and counterspell (now it works with talents)
- Hunter: added Mark
- Druid: added Entangling Roots from Nature's Grasp (incl. rank calculation)
- fixed modui - UnitFramesImproved_Vanilla combination bug
- added ranks to CastSpellByName hook
- fixed pvp bug
- removed buffs till next update
Menu for Warlocks (they are crazy with timers)