Welp, that mouseover macro doesn't work when mouse hovering on a mob model or nameplate
/script if nil then CastSpellByName("Greater Heal(Rang 1)") end
/lunamo Greater Heal(Rang 1)
Ofc I replaced the Rang by Rank since my client is EnUS not FrFR.
It only works on basic party / raid frame, or target or target's target.
If I'm targetting a player attacking a mob, I can mouse hover on his target frame (Target's Target) and it will work.
Otherwise I need to TAB / click to target.
Was hoping for an easy auto target cast spell macro or just plain old mouseover macro sadly I gotta TAB the oldschool way xD Making it painful to tag mobs for quests' credit sometimes
Would have been nice also just for basic mouse over macros, the real ones, not grid party / raid frame healing /decursing stuff.
Like for ex a /cast [target=mouseover, exists, hostile][] Polymorph, to be able to sheep something WITHOUT dropping actual target... Since you know, Focus frame doesn't exist and Classic Focus addon rely on name, it can be a pain when dealing with more than 2 mobs with the same name.
This is a signature until I can bypass that damned 502 ERROR when I put an IMG tag in my sig and try to submit it.