schaka wrote:Poony wrote:How are the CTMod buff and debuff frame called? Anyone knows?
Just not sure what to replace in
local region=getglobal(firstToUpper(unitID).."FrameBuff"..i)
local region=getglobal(firstToUpper(unitID).."FrameDebuff"..i)
Thanks in advance
CTMod should be just "TargetFrameBuff"..iKarrier wrote:I have the same question as above, but for X-Perl and LunaUnitFrames
where can I check what are those frames called?
type /run message(GetMouseFocus():GetName()) while mouseovering a buff/debuff and you will find what it's called. Then proceed as above.
ok I used the /run command you said and got this for X-Perl:
local region = getglobal("XPerl_Target_BuffFrame_Buff"..i)
local region = getglobal("Xperl_Target_BuffFrame_DeBuff"..i)
But is this working as intented?:
the name of the spell casted appears on the chat, on white letters, "Fear", "Shadow Bolt", etc
can I fix/disable this?
EDIT: I think I found it, I disabled:
Also I see it makes a sound alarm when Fear ends (I think), but somehow it does not always make the sound (it alerts like 50% of times only).
What could I check to make it sound always? Or maybe the sound is not cause of Fear
I was not able to find anything about sounds on the lua (I'm not programmer )
Thanks, its awesome addon