Kill wrote:Kinda threw yesterday and today some 15h on this task and had some results today. Please let me know if you found a solution or anybody else is working on this, so I do not waste my time. Hope I will have a solution soon, but need to rewrite a lot of stuff and learn lua on the go.
Got to sleep now.
/Edit: I uploaded two previews at youtube:
vid1. Sorry for bad music in vid1 background, didn't expect the software to record it.
Kill, from what can be seen in the two videos you linked, this is great work.
It seems to work exactly as I want it to, the only thing missing from your videos being the weapon buffs (there isn't any space between the buffs pack and the debuffs, but eh I can definitely live with that
As fas as I know, no one else is working on this, you're currently the only one, with kovenant, to have posted here or have sent me an PM.
I don't know if you're done with your work or not (i.e. if weapon buffs are scripted correctly or not), but maybe before going any further we could discuss your compensation ? You already spent some time working on the AddOn. I hope we can find an honest arrangement, cause if your fees are outrageous, I can't guarantee I'll be able to pay for the work you already did :/.
I know this wouln't be fair to you as you already put some efforts into what I asked, but presenting me with a fait accompli isn't either - that's why I would have preferred to have you give me an estimation of the cost before getting to work you know !
Anyway, thank you already for your amazing work, I hope we'll work things out regarding your payment