[AddOn] Aux - Enhanced Auction House Interface

Re: [AddOn] Aux - Enhanced Auction House Interface

by TyrantRC » Sat Jan 16, 2016 12:26 am

forsaken_toys wrote:Hey, any solution for Aux for this: I want to scan items and then show average auc price in tooltip, as auctioneer does, but I don't really want to run both these addons. Love Aux, searching, buying and posting is so much better than in auctioneer, I even uninstalled last one in 1 minute after trying Aux. But this information is kinda.. useful. =)

I was reading the thread yesterday and in some comments Bit said something along the lines of that Is a planned feature but not implemented yet. I see no reason why you can't use both addons, the only thing you are going to use from auctioneer is the scan feature and with the tooltip you dont need anything more, you already open Aux by default if you have both installed and you only need to click the button to show the default ui whenever you want to scan the AH
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Re: [AddOn] Aux - Enhanced Auction House Interface

by Bit » Sat Jan 16, 2016 8:15 am

Altoholic wrote:Also, sometimes the bid panel is empty, or everything appear in double.
In both these lasts two cases, refreshing solve the problem.

The search coming up empty for both auctions and bids (it would happen the first time after closing and reopening the AH interface) has been fixed. The doubling I was unable to reproduce. Any idea what you could've done to make it happen?
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Re: [AddOn] Aux - Enhanced Auction House Interface

by Bit » Sat Jan 16, 2016 9:00 am

TyrantRC wrote:You could add a simple general visualizer on how many bids you have in the auction, that would be functional and clean, but there is already addons that do this, you don't need to worry about this.

Well, you can always go to the bids panel and look at the log which should say something like "scan complete: n bids found". n is the number of bids you currently have.

TyrantRC wrote:No reason for you to mess with the tooltip honestly, you just need to make it so you can only see it in 1 column/part of the table like auctioneer does, for example when you hover the icon or the name only.

I have no idea about embedding the tooltip, I'm pretty sure you can play with that, the problem with this solution is that if you fix where the tooltip is shown some people with less screen resolution can have still problems with the tooltip still in their faces and/or you also have different sizes of tooltips with different addons and it will not always be the same. I still think the best solution for you here is to show the tooltip when you only hover the name, no reason to show this information when you hover the bid, buy, bid ea, or any other similar column

I think it's stupid to add an extra column with redundant information the only purpose of which is to show the tooltip when hovering over it.

The problem is that the tooltip is anchored at the bottom and I've added an offset from the cursor so it doesn't overlap with the highlighted row but since enhtooltip places itself below the tooltip it's called for it covers the row anyway. If you embed it (/auc embed) then it will always be above the highlighted row (unless the tooltip is so large there's not enough space on the screen, but if you move aux down a bit that should never be an issue).

This picture shows an embedded auctioneer tooltip. Though this one is configured to be much more concise you can see how it would also work if it were a lot larger.

Sergeant Major
Sergeant Major

Re: [AddOn] Aux - Enhanced Auction House Interface

by Bit » Sat Jan 16, 2016 6:48 pm

forsaken_toys wrote:Hey, any solution for Aux for this: I want to scan items and then show average auc price in tooltip, as auctioneer does, but I don't really want to run both these addons. Love Aux, searching, buying and posting is so much better than in auctioneer, I even uninstalled last one in 1 minute after trying Aux. But this information is kinda.. useful. =)

This should be ready soon. You can already try it out if you check out the dev branch on github. Note that like Auctioneer it currently depends on the addons EnhTooltip and Stubby to work. I'll probably just reimplement what's needed in Aux before it's released. The interface is very simplistic for now. You can use "/aux scan" while the auction house is open for a full scan, "/aux clear snapshot" to delete the snapshot and "/aux clear database" to clear the price data. Also the market value is currently only used for displaying in the tooltip.

The price calculation is mostly the same as retail Auctioneer's stat_simple:

It makes use of a "snapshot" which is a set of auction signatures which (not quite) uniquely identify auctions. This is done so that the same auction is not used repeatedly. When you make a full scan with "/aux scan" if it completes then at the end all auctions that were not scanned are removed from the snapshot. If you scan auctions through other means nothing is removed from the snapshot, so you should make a full scan every now and then to get rid of outdated auctions in there.

Whenever an auction is scanned that is not in the current snapshot it is added to the active day's history (and to the snapshot). When more than a day has passed the day's arithmetic mean is added to three moving averages with different weights and then reset.

The actual market value is then calculated as a weighted combination of the current day's arithmetic mean and the three different moving averages.
Sergeant Major
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Re: [AddOn] Aux - Enhanced Auction House Interface

by TyrantRC » Sun Jan 17, 2016 1:55 am

Bit wrote:
TyrantRC wrote:No reason for you to mess with the tooltip honestly, you just ....

I think it's stupid to add an extra column with redundant information the only purpose of which is to show the tooltip when hovering over it.

The problem is that the tooltip is anchored at the bottom and I've added an offset from the cursor so it doesn't overlap with the highlighted row but since enhtooltip places itself below the tooltip it's called for it covers the row anyway. If you embed it (/auc embed) then it will always be above the highlighted row (unless the tooltip is so large there's not enough space on the screen, but if you move aux down a bit that should never be an issue).

This picture shows an embedded auctioneer tooltip. Though this one is configured to be much more concise you can see how it would also work if it were a lot larger.


Let's be real here, you just don't want to do the extra work to fix something that's not related to your addon, but here is the problem, this is a huge dealbreaker, even if you implement the scan auction module for your addon and we don't need auctioneer anymore we'll still have other tooltips from other addons, not only enchantrix or informant, that's without even mentioning that embedding the tooltip for auctioneer and similar is way too convoluted and really hard to the eyes since it doesn't show all the features that it does without embedding it, making this solution more of a "ohh well that sucks but what can you do" than a real solution. Not only that, but the tooltip alone inside the table when you hover around the bids or prices is an eyesore, even without auctioneer, informant or enchantrix addons activated.

If you think is stupid to add an extra column with redundant information just to show the tooltip, then don't, you have way more solutions than just that one. For example in the "Item Search" tab there is already a big icon in the left side that shows when you select an item int he menu, you can anchor the tooltip to that icon and show the tooltip only when you hover that part of the screen without shoving it into the user's face when he hovers the bid/buyout values which is way stupider than just adding a column for that if you ask me. For the other tabs you usually have a column name for items and even an icon already in the row, why not just use it like auctioneer does, what makes you think that showing information that's not relevant to the hover zone is a good idea?, have you ever hover the clock from windows and has show you something like your volume level?, the answer is not, like it should be for this as well.

Another easy solution would be to change your tooltip's anchor to show the tooltip below the highlighted row instead of over it, that way others tooltips can chain below that one making it less annoying, but it would be still be annoying since you usually read and bid/buy simultaneously and that tooltip interferes with that action, even if is a small tooltip with just the name item.

I'm really sorry if I'm making you have a hard time with this insignificant complaint, but I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one annoyed by it and at least I have to try.
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Re: [AddOn] Aux - Enhanced Auction House Interface

by Bit » Sun Jan 17, 2016 11:46 am

Hardly - changing the tooltip location would be trivial. The problem is finding a nice, consistent solution for where to put it. So far I haven't liked any better than the status quo. I don't understand what you have against embedding. I would do that anyway. Double tooltips with duplicated item name looks horrible.
Also why do you think it makes more sense to show the tooltip when hovering over the icon than say the price or the whole row? How is the icon more related to the tooltip than any other property of the auction?

Well, I've put it to the right of the row now ... I think it looks worse than before for small tooltips but maybe it's better if you like to have giant abominations of tooltips.

Also moved the history update to the master branch now. It works a little differently from before. I've also ported the histogram module from retail auctioneer now the median of which I find to be the best market value approximation so far, and hard to manipulate too.

The new commands are "/aux clear snapshot", "/aux clear" (clears everything) and "/aux scan". You don't necessarily need any of them to use the history feature as any aux scan from any panel will automatically include everything it sees in the history. I've extended the snapshot to include the notion of expiration according to the auction durations so making full scans using the above command isn't really necessary anymore, unless you specifically want a full scan.

There are quite a lot of historical values being computed but currently there is only one way to use them - through the tooltip. In order to see the auction seen count + median in the tooltip you'll need to have the EnhTooltip addon installed. It's not a dependency like with Auctioneer though, you just won't get the tooltip extension if you don't have it but the rest will still work.

Lastly I have now removed the localization in the recently searched list and in the autocomplete. I'm not sure what issues that might cause for people with different locales (most likely the item_search won't work, unless you can still make English queries). However, the dependency on the cache was just too annoying. Now you can delete WDB without affecting Aux.

I will later try to implement the localization in a way such that it will only depend on the WDB cache for the first time and then save the data in Aux' own cache.

Running "/run aux_recently_searched = {}" should fix any issues you might get with your recently searched list after this update.

update: I've now reimplemented localization. If you have a different locale from the English one (or wish to restrict your cache to items which can be queried on your current server) you may use the commands "/aux generate item cache" and "/aux delete item cache" to generate (note this may take a while, especially if your wdb is empty) or delete the cache. If you have no custom cache the default English one shipped with aux will be used. This mainly only concerns the item search panel but may be used in other places too later, especially for history functions.
Last edited by Bit on Mon Jan 18, 2016 3:46 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: [AddOn] Aux - Enhanced Auction House Interface

by TyrantRC » Mon Jan 18, 2016 3:02 am

Hey bit i tried the new version and the tooltip looks great there, maybe a little too wide for smaller resolutions but I personally don't have any problem with it.

I'm having a problem with the new version and not sure what to do, so far it only happens with one item I search "mageweave cloth" in nostalrius, not sure whats happening but If I scan for it and then I try to hover the item in the auction house or even in my bags the game freeze, not like a real freeze you know that shows "app not responding" but it just freeze and I can't move, I can still hear the sound around me and minimize the window but after that I can't maximize it again. I only have stubby, enhtooltip and aux enabled in my addons and I deleted the cache.md5 and the savedvariables from stubby that is in the wtf folder just to make sure and its still happening. It only happens with that item so far, so If I look for example runecloth it shows the normal tooltip, not sure if it happens with others items. Here is a SS of the moment it freeze, maybe it can help: http://i.imgur.com/u4N6euq.jpg
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Re: [AddOn] Aux - Enhanced Auction House Interface

by Bit » Mon Jan 18, 2016 3:13 am

I've made a range of updates in the last day. Maybe you caught a bad one. I can't reproduce it with the newest version. (newest is 2.2.4 right now)

Nevermind that, I can reproduce it, just not on the pve server for some reason. Will take a look at it.

edit: should be fixed
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Re: [AddOn] Aux - Enhanced Auction House Interface

by Youfie » Mon Jan 18, 2016 4:37 am

Hey, great AddOn, love it. Thank you for your work :)
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Re: [AddOn] Aux - Enhanced Auction House Interface

by Bit » Mon Jan 18, 2016 7:24 am

Made a change to the average module which may require an "/aux clear average" if you've already used a version with history.

edit: note there will be more changes to the history so don't waste too much time scanning in the next ~2 days.

edit: think I've finally found a market value I'm happy with. Maybe no more changes now.

Also added percentages of market value to buyout listings:


edit: another small change to the market value that will need an "/aux clear database", hopefully the last one for a while. The tooltip now shows a trend indicator for the market value:

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