jsb wrote:You mean you want to design a static layout of action buttons out of several RingMenus that are always open? This is indeed a use for this AddOn that I didn't anticipate.
Yes. :3
jsb wrote:My concept of multiple different RingMenus would have been more like binding different spell categories to different mouse buttons (e.g. middle mouse button: buffs, side mouse button: portal spells, etc.) and have at most one RingMenu active at one time. This would be more in line with the purpose of this AddOn, which is keeping buttons out of the way and reducing UI clutter.
I do realize it's not the purpose of your addon!
And I really see your point about the multiple menus possibility too, that would be really great already. Actually the only difference I'd ask for, if I could, is to have that possibility of opening several rings at the same time... I think it wouldn't make too much difference for the normal use, especially if they close on click, and it would allow the sweet layout I was thinking of!
Afaik you are the first to come up with curved / round "bars" (?) and I'm going for a very minimal UI on a fairly large screen so I just thought I could ask, I think it would look more interesting than the usual bunch of icons at the bottom center that most people do.