Altoholic wrote:Bit wrote:There are no more confirmation messages.
Can we have it back, as an option ?
Options, options, options! ^^
(when i'm on a long streak of bids and buyout, i always do mistakes, a lot of times that confirmation saved me)
I hate options xD
But seriously, I don't understand the problem. You essentially still have confirmations, they just look different. The buttons act exactly like the confirmation, i.e., you click on an auction, then the buttons become active. The only difference is that they're disabled instead of hidden.
Altoholic wrote:Alt-left click for buying or alt-right click for bidding directly.
Didn't know about that. Sounds goods. I tried it, and nothing happened. I deactivate Automate, the only other addon who mess with clicks (i need it a lot), and still no alt-click/rclick working in Aux.
Tested on Aux downloaded a few minutes ago.
Not sure what to say, must be another addon then I guess. Try disabling all other addons. It's definitely working for me.