Doofoos wrote:Flickerlight wrote:Discord Unit Frames and action bars
Hm, i was thinking about this but ... what is buff frames on unitframes then?
I'm asking because default buff frames on DUF is weird, they are contain "1" number in each buff, like stacks of something, and i have no idea how to get rid of it
I found a solution to the issue you are referring to
viewtopic.php?f=63&t=18286&p=189673&hilit=buff+discordHere is a list of most the addons I use:
Healbot (responsive raidframes/healing/decursing with range check)
oCB3 (castbar replacement)
NaturECB (enemy castbars)
SmartBuff (buff management)
SimpleMiniMap (better minimap)
Discord Action Bars (w. textures derived from StormFX' work)
Discord Unit Frames (w. custom textures and a very simple lua edit)
TheoryCraft (approximate healing/damage numbers from stats/gear on actionbars)
KLHThreatMeter + SW_Stats (performance evaluation)
CompareStats+BonusScanner (shows +/- stat loss from items in tooltips)
CustomNamePlates (customized)
SCT + SCTD (customized combat text)
EquipCompare (compares items in inventory with equipped ones through tooltips)
Informant + EnhTooltip + Stubby (enhanced tooltip information)
TinyTip (customized tooltip location and information)
CT_MailMod + CT_MasterMod (mass mail)
Better Experience Bar (customized)
Prat (nicer chat, more options)
I changed the default UI font to the font from ClearFont2, this helped a lot with overall readability.