Just joined and getting my UI bearings (LunaFrames, Squeenix, OmniCC, Bongos, Bagnon, DebuffFilter, Chronometer, RageTracker (modified by me to be lockable/ turn off mouse interaction and only show in combat), Samuel, coolDown, XLoot+friends, MSBT, Confab + WIM, ShaguDB which includes Cartographer, and a smattering of other utility addons with no visible elements)
GroupFrames will either go on the left or where the combatlog is now.
I also backported MinimapButtonFrame to 1.12 but came to realize that its main issues were not the API adjustments, addons in that era had no standard way to add buttons to the minimap so had a lot of stuff not handled properly.
So I ended up using DetachedMiniButtons
click image for full size