I noticed a problem with MetaMap and the "Toggle Questie" button. The button doesn't anchor correctly if you re-scale MetaMap so I fixed it.
Here's a link to the updated Questie.xml - Just copy and paste into your Questie folder and override the old one:
http://s000.tinyupload.com/download.php?file_id=18478668619011142396&t=1847866861901114239695447If you go to Questie.xml and use a code editor like Notepad ++, just change these lines OR I can send the corrected file to whoever is currently maintaining Questie.
Line 22: <Button name="Questie_Toggle" parent="WorldMapFrame" inherits="UIPanelButtonTemplate" text="Toggle Questie">
Change to
Line 22: <Button name="Questie_Toggle" parent="WorldMapZoneDropDownButton" inherits="UIPanelButtonTemplate" text="Toggle Questie">
Line 27: <Anchor relativePoint="TOP" point="CENTER">
Change to
Line 27: <Anchor relativePoint="RIGHT" point="LEFT">
Line 29: <AbsDimension x="120" y="-12"/>
Change to
Line 29: <AbsDimension x="228" y="36"/>
The results are: