First of all, thank you for this addon. You've done alot of work, I love the functionality but more importantly how smooth it runs.
I really like the tag system,, but I keep gettting an error when I try to add the [rank] tag on to my target's mana bar. Also I remember back in the days of TBC we had something similar to track all those raid buffs... we had tags on pitbull that will return back a text for certain buffs, Could either be the buff Abbreviation *ex; "AI[colorBlue]" "F[colorwhite]" "M[colorpurple]* or for just a simple ".[anycolor]" or anything you would like, I think that would be really cool, I really dont know if this is possible or how hard it would be to do this.
I also would like to see a range check on the target frame, that way I know my target is in range of a frostbolt.
Thank you! Keep up the good work!