cyklon wrote:Idea for a possible update, a ToT-bar liked to the nameplate?
I'm not very good in coding myself, even tho i done some small addons with help from others,, but would'nt it almost be a copy paste CustomNameplates.lua and renaming it and tweak it to ToT instead of Target?
It's not impossible but there isn't a pretty way to do it.
To get the target of a target (ToT), you either need to target (or mouseover) it or have the player in your party/raid.
If the target is in your party/raid then it's pretty simple and WoW gives all the tools that you need to get their targets without too much effort.
But when the target is not in your party/raid, it's complicated. First, you need to check all visible nameplates, target all of them and check their targets. If a player changes its target, WoW doesn't give any info about it. So, you basically need to throttle an "OnUpdate" function that runs every X secs (the lesser the X, the more accurate are the results, but the more CPU will be wasted).
It would be easy to do it for your current target or even focus (dunno if Vanilla API is "rich" in this case), but for that there is already UnitFrames addOns for these cases.