Devlog DAY 12:
The re-write i mentioned a few pages ago is coming along nicely. But instead of just re-doing what i have done before i have yet taken it a step further.
When i started thinking about doing my own unitframes over two years ago, i didn't want to create everything myself. Thats why i did take a look at porting my favorite frames from retail (Shadowed Unit Frames) back to vanilla. But after taking a look at the code i realized i wouldn't be able to do that. My knowledge was simply far too limited to pull it off. In the burning crusade expansion the interface made a huge jump in complexity when "secure" frames were introduced.
So i then started small and made some simple frames that were next to unconfigurable. These frames became more and more complex as time went on and i read more and more into the default blizzard interface, understanding how it works. I also managed to learn a lot from other addons that were done by people back in the day.
But recently i realised that the addon i have been working on had become more and more difficult to expand. Eventually leading to profiles per character which i think are not doable in a clean fashion. So when i realized i had to re-do most of the addon to keep going i took another look at SUF. I think the time is right. I present the new Project of mine. LunaUnitFrames 2.0 - A backport of ShadowedUnitFrames for vanilla.
Yes those are essentially the same as the ones from WotLK. They will come with the entire Tag system (much more advanced than the one of Luna 1.0), Healing communication as you know it (and comunication with all my mods)
Stay tuned for further updates.