Lordsson wrote:I got it start working but the next pops in an instant instead of write along as i read it. So the Textspeed option aint valid. What shall I do ?
Instant Questtext Option in Interface options
Lordsson wrote:I got it start working but the next pops in an instant instead of write along as i read it. So the Textspeed option aint valid. What shall I do ?
Doofoos wrote:necroposting a bit :3
any ideas how to hide the quest background from otravi_Skin addon?
obviously i can just turn whole addon off, or simply move the storyline window to the left ... but i hope there is more "gentle" solution out there
Renew wrote:edit:
alternatively you could open AddonFrames.lua in the oskin folder and add "--" before
self:GossipFrame() and
Doofoos wrote:To be honest, your addon is the main reason i coming back to Vanilla, after Nost closure and all what we've lost.
I spend few months casually playing Wotlk, and was totally frustrated with addons - some of must have addons are missing for 3.3.5, group of Discords for example
Baaja wrote:With the future release of Nost 2.0 on Elysium I am wondering about the future of this addon and its current state! I requested this addon when I heard about it on live and wish to really immerse myself with a new character on the new upcoming server.
Thank you for the hard work!