As you can see atm im struggling with the name plate info, the buff location and everything is correct just not the name next to it, tooltip and removing buff works all correctly. i just need to find how and where this information is gathered. Since most the WOW API which is used to handle buffs in vanilla, is removed in later patchs; im struggling finding the function used to get this information. I'm also worried how performance efficient my implementation is.
I have yet to look at how the weapon enchant and buff AddOns work together, but im starting to feel like i wont be able to unify them into one list and sort it.
Ill keep cracking on, i hope to atleast beable to sort and display correctly, even if item and buff are seperate. If i cant unify them without massive rewrite, im going to leave it there.
This is actually a really good learning project, still dont understand how something end up doing what they do. I'll put in another update sometime.