[Addon] vQueue v1.2 - A group finder for vanilla!

Re: [Addon] vQueue v1.1 - A group finder for vanilla!

by Devlix » Mon Jun 15, 2015 10:15 am

Hey guys I put up 1.1.3 to address the issues being listed here. The /who thing should be fixed and your chat should display those results properly and I rewrote some of the chat filtering stuff so other addons won't have problems with it. The addon does use the 'vQueue' channel to communicate so it will have to join that but I made it so it joins it after everything else and for the people who have the messed up numbering there is a button in the options that should fix that.

Code: Select all
-Worked on changing UI a bit, changed textures, added highlight to category list, etc.
-Changed my chat filter to work with chat addons should be more reliable
-Added a button in options to fix the order of chat channels
-Tooltip on minimap button to show players in your wait list
-added some more stuff to hopefully fix the chat /who

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Re: [Addon] vQueue v1.1 - A group finder for vanilla!

by Aunstic » Mon Jun 15, 2015 10:22 am

Devlix wrote:Hey guys I put up 1.1.3 to address the issues being listed here. The /who thing should be fixed and your chat should display those results properly and I rewrote some of the chat filtering stuff so other addons won't have problems with it. The addon does use the 'vQueue' channel to communicate so it will have to join that but I made it so it joins it after everything else and for the people who have the messed up numbering there is a button in the options that should fix that.

Code: Select all
-Worked on changing UI a bit, changed textures, added highlight to category list, etc.
-Changed my chat filter to work with chat addons should be more reliable
-Added a button in options to fix the order of chat channels
-Tooltip on minimap button to show players in your wait list
-added some more stuff to hopefully fix the chat /who


Thanks <3
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Re: [Addon] vQueue v1.1 - A group finder for vanilla!

by Mr_Rosh » Mon Jun 15, 2015 11:29 am

Great news. Thanks !
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Re: [Addon] vQueue v1.1 - A group finder for vanilla!

by Redaro » Tue Jun 16, 2015 8:40 am


addon works great! :) The "chat tracing" works awesome.

If Im searching with tool and chat, I got a group in a few minutes.

We should spread it on the server.

Thanks a lot.

PS. Was my first post, so hello everyone =)
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Re: [Addon] vQueue v1.1 - A group finder for vanilla!

by Vikterion » Tue Jun 16, 2015 6:14 pm

Something that vQueue is doing breaks Auctionator completely. This can be reproduced 100% (at least for me) by doing a fresh WTF folder install, enabling Auctionator, seeing that it works completely fine, logging out and enabling vQueue, and upon logging back in there is an error message that can't be closed out and Auctionator is totally broken. Disabling vQueue and deleting the WTF folder then fixes it, and re-enabling vQueue will break it again, every single time. A complete WTF folder deletion is sometimes required to fix Auctionator, not just disabling vQueue. This is all with no other addons enabled at all after deleting the WTF folder.

The error message is:

"Interface\AddOns\Auctionator\Auctionator.lua:590: attempt to perform arithmetic on field 'TimeSinceLastUpdate' (a nil value)"

The version of Auctionator that I'm using is from the addon thread: viewtopic.php?f=32&t=605#p4958

vQueue works fine, but since it is vQueue that is breaking the other addon, I am posting this here. I would love to use vQueue more but not if it breaks Auctionator and potentially other addons that I use more.

Re: [Addon] vQueue v1.1 - A group finder for vanilla!

by Devlix » Wed Jun 17, 2015 1:24 am

Vikterion wrote:...

Turns out this is more of an issue with Auctionator as it's having problems with an Ace library 'AceComm-2.0'. Any addons you have that include this library will get you the same issue but for now you can just delete that for vQueue in addons/vQueue/libs you will find AceComm.
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Re: [Addon] vQueue v1.1 - A group finder for vanilla!

by Vikterion » Wed Jun 17, 2015 8:51 pm

Thanks! That worked.

Re: [Addon] vQueue v1.1 - A group finder for vanilla!

by Sigals » Thu Jun 18, 2015 7:41 pm

Great addon, really like it, very well made you must have spent quite a while coding this.

Re: [Addon] vQueue v1.1 - A group finder for vanilla!

by Yroh » Thu Jun 18, 2015 9:30 pm

Really great tool! Much appreciated. Definitely help spread the word.

Re: [Addon] vQueue v1.1 - A group finder for vanilla!

by cofko » Fri Jun 19, 2015 9:31 pm

Got this error today popping up all of a sudden...it keeps showing

using latest version 1.1.3



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