~800 Addon Super Pack and Cartographer Software

~800 Addon Super Pack and Cartographer Software

by Bioness » Wed Apr 22, 2015 5:12 am

The Addon pack contains about 800 addons, it was originally from a Russian torrent and later was posted on another private server. I figured it would be great to share it with you all.

Addon Pack

http://www.mediafire.com/download/pyvkq ... 1.12.1.zip

Also contains...

WoW Cartographer

With this program, you can:

1)View, zoom and move on the WoW World maps
2)View and read information on map
3)Add missing notes with a dynamic system (multiple option like copy/paste, hyperlinks,waypoints, etc...)
4)Send your notes by mail or through http so they are added in a central database to share with the community.
5)Do advanced search on the whole database

And if you find the sheer amount of addons overwhelming you can use this link below which has a modest 140ish addons and has them categorized so you know what does what.

Vanilla Addon Archive by Kyary


Have Fun.
Last edited by Bioness on Mon Jun 29, 2015 4:04 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: ~800 Addon Super Pack and Cartographer Software

by Bioness » Mon Jun 29, 2015 4:01 pm

If you need an addon 98% of the time it will be in this thread. In addition I would recommend you not download it straight into your interface folder, instead put on your desktop or somewhere, that way you can pick and choose what addons you want out of it.
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Re: ~800 Addon Super Pack and Cartographer Software

by lordbufu » Wed Sep 23, 2015 2:57 am

Tnx a bunch man, i lost a lot of them, and was unable to find some vanilla versions of good hunter addons.
Some good stuff in there eventhoug the client says its outdated.

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