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What are you using to track cooldowns?

PostPosted: Tue Oct 20, 2015 6:10 am
by Umrad
Howdy folks. I'm curious how those of you who have been playing on these servers for a while track your cooldowns.

I'm quite impressed with the functionality of some of the 1.12 addons I've tried out so far but I've yet to find a great solution for keeping track of which cooldowns are up and the cooldown time remaining on those that aren't.

I'm trying to find a way to have all my cooldowns collected in a single place on the screen, preferably with timers or progress bars so i can tell which abilities are coming off cooldown next and in how long at a glance. A row or two of hotbars w/ omnicc would do the trick, but I'm hitting snags there too. For example, Bartender does not seem to allow any additional hotbars beyond the blizzard default 5+1, Bongos does not use the multiactionbars' keybinds so I would have to re-bind bars in order to see the keybinds on the buttons, and CTMod's action bars have this dumb issue where the hotkey-text on the buttons is too big to actually display properly if you're using modifier keys!

Enough about me though, what have y'all settled on for cooldown management?