Hello guys!
Was recently doing some BGs and while standing at the battlemasters in IF I notice people spamming the chat with some strange emote. I tracked it down to being the addon MorunoRank that estimates your current progress in the PVP ranks. I thought the emote spamming was pretty gawky so I wrote some UI for it.
It looks like this;
It's completely based on the calculations and core-logic found in the MorunoRank addon by Martock in the thread linked at the bottom of this post. I wrote the visuals so that you dont have to spam that darn emote all the time. It updates dynamically when you get honor & HK's.
Write /mre when the addon is active to see some commands you can use(/mre lock, /mre unlock, /mre show, /mre hide etc.) the original string is still there if you write "/mre r" but now its less awkward for everyone else because only you will see the text.
Installation is per standard procedure, GitHub link: https://github.com/Stretpaket/MorunoRankEnhanced/
Download the two files(MorunoRankEnhanced.lua & MorunoRankEnhanced.toc or just press "Download ZIP") and put them in a map named MorunoRankEnhanced in the addonfolder.
DISCLAIMER: Because of the way the ranking system works(your standing is compared to other players' standings) it's near impossible to write an addon that calculates your percise standings, so the addon is showing a kind of rough, theoretical estimate on how you're doing based on previously calculated averages etc. For more info on how the calculations works I'll have to refer you to Martock's thread https://forum.nostalrius.org/viewtopic.php?f=63&t=22558.
If you have any feedback or requests feel free to drop a post in this thread or contact me ingame(although I cant guarantee I'll always be able to answer to whispers ): Stretpaket @ Nostalrius PVP.
Have fun!