One of my guild mate used to be able to copy / paste on our guild forums the content of our guild banks quite easily using an AddOn.
He had to mouseover everyitem, and then he just copy / pasted something from the AddOn files. The results wasn't extremely "clean" (lots of parenthesis and code-like stuff), but it's was quick and efficient.
I was convinced that the AddOn OneView / OneBank / OneBag was the one he was using (indeed, this AddOn allows you, among other things, to see your alts' bags and bank contents, so it has to be stored somewhere !).
Unfortunately, when checking the WTF Files of OneView/Bank/Bag, I only have stuff that doesn't show the name of the item. Don't know exactly what it is, it's basically all numbers and shit.
Anybody knows of an AddOn that could do what I described, whether it exists specifically for that purposes or it's used to show your Alts's bank? Or help me to find it in the OneBank/View/Bag code, maybe I missed something .
Thanks in advance.