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Is there something like interrupt bar for 1.12?

PostPosted: Sat Jan 16, 2016 6:45 pm
by Dc PvP
Greetings, tried some addons for tracking enemy CD usage, but they often malfunction... Is there an addon that tracks only interrupts?

Re: Is there something like interrupt bar for 1.12?

PostPosted: Sat Jan 16, 2016 6:51 pm
by kuurtzen
Not that I know of but it sounds like something that could be easily made

Re: Is there something like interrupt bar for 1.12?

PostPosted: Sat Jan 16, 2016 7:18 pm
by arOo
It's not - considering there are a multitude of abilities(or even gear)in the game that can influence talents. Therefore it requires the functionality of SuperInspect & a broadcast of everyones spec.

Re: Is there something like interrupt bar for 1.12?

PostPosted: Sat Jan 16, 2016 8:08 pm
by kuurtzen
if we're talking only interrupts, earth shock is the only one affected by talents unless Im forgetting something.
if you're including psychic scream, hammer of justice, etc in these etc. yeah that would be tricky not only from talent perspective but in the sense the caster of this spells cannot be tracked.

but something simple, like displaying kick, pummel, shield bash, earth shock should be useful enough and easy to implement

Re: Is there something like interrupt bar for 1.12?

PostPosted: Sat Jan 16, 2016 9:33 pm
by AfterAfterlife
Excuse my ignorance about Vanilla WoW, I just walk on these forums to gather knowledge, but if the spell is printed into the combatLog, why it's difficult to track it? Or Vanilla's combatLog doesn't tell everything?

If you want to track the exact cooldown, for example: Psychic Scream, then it's impossible, in this case you have to think that the player (i.e. enemy) has all the modifiers (cooldown reductions). In Psychic Scream's case would be it's CD duration - 4secs from talents (Improved Psychic Scream).

Re: Is there something like interrupt bar for 1.12?

PostPosted: Sat Jan 16, 2016 10:03 pm
by kuurtzen
Taking psychic scream as an example, there isnt a combat log message stating a priest has casted it nor when someone is afflicted by it, it stats the caster. it would be something like:
'You are afflicted by Psychic Scream'

So if it doesnt hit anyone there's no way to know if it was even casted. kinda like if a tree falls in forest and no one hears it etc

This is at least how it works on nostalrius

edit: actually you can track the caster if it gets resisted, the output is something like
'You resisted PriestA's Psychic Scream'

Re: Is there something like interrupt bar for 1.12?

PostPosted: Sat Jan 16, 2016 10:15 pm
by Kogmawn
I believe private servers on 1.12.1 are missing the stop_spell_casting event that allowed for those addons to function.

This is why they only appear to halfway work.

Re: Is there something like interrupt bar for 1.12?

PostPosted: Sun Jan 17, 2016 12:15 am
by arOo
kuurtzen wrote:if we're talking only interrupts, earth shock is the only one affected by talents unless Im forgetting something.

Yep you miss quite alot, but of course everything depends on what you deem to be trackworthy.

PS: You can add custom timers to big wigs with a run macro that triggers on CL events.
- So its just about adding a few simpe lines to big wigs and you can track static cooldowns with the standard BW bars.
(Of course you can make it more fancy with Icons - which already exist for big wigs)