DBM-like macro (auto reply in-combat)
Posted: Mon Feb 22, 2016 8:32 pm
Looking for a macro that will auto reply when someone whispers you. Deadly Boss Mod (DBM) does this for retail, but I'm not sure how to translate into a macro for vanilla. Are there any addons that do this already??
Player whispers you, if in combat you auto whisper reply:
"Marky_mark is busy fighting against Baron Geddon (38% , 38/40 people alive).
You would need to determine current target, current target percentage of health, number of raid members alive, and total number of raid members. Bonus points if this works for 5 man groups also.
Any help would be appreciated, I could tip you ingame (Alliance - PVP side).
Thank you
Player whispers you, if in combat you auto whisper reply:
"Marky_mark is busy fighting against Baron Geddon (38% , 38/40 people alive).
You would need to determine current target, current target percentage of health, number of raid members alive, and total number of raid members. Bonus points if this works for 5 man groups also.
Any help would be appreciated, I could tip you ingame (Alliance - PVP side).
Thank you