The need to post this up here was sparked by someone stating that Ai-Art alters game files. This would mean it's some type of bannable hack. Guess what, that's false. So I'm here to inform the community about what it actually is. That way people not knowing what they're talking about don't seed misinformation about something they know nothing about. So read below about this awesome addon.
Ai-Art is a texture replacement "addon". No scripting is involved, and no impact on your memory. Rather than write an addon and script replacement textures, these textures are already converted into .blps, which you drop into your interface folder. Instead of loading the default textures from the MPQ files, WoW reads these texture files from the folders you put in your interface folder.
While tedious to make textures and fix textures it has a very real benefit. No changes on a private server where the content is static, and they simply don't "break" your game. If a texture is bad, it just needs to be resized or renamed. If an addon is bad you have to find the code break. Addons use extra memory. Addons conflict with other addons. Textures don't do any of those.
You can download it here: Ai-Art for private servers
Why is it hosted outside of some place like curse or wowinterface? -
If you read below you'll see I have permission to alter/change/addon to/redistribute the files as I see fit. However, it is against Curse's and WoWI's ToS to host anything, talk about, or link out to private servers. So I host them myself.
Videos for the 1.12 version. Fixes should be very close to finished.
Videos for the 3.3.5a version. Fixes still very much needed and testers as well.
AI-Art replacement:
What is it? -
Started by Quokka on the Wowinterface website, Ai-Art is an in game art replacement. It uses file placement within the file tree to simply use different in game textures. What does this mean? The MPQ files within WoW are simply compressed files that uncompress as they are loaded and used. When uncompressed they make a "tree" of folders. All we are doing is populating where the texture files that would be uncompressed within the file tree would go. So instead of say..c:\wow\interface\GLUES being auto filled with the files from the MPQ files, we put them there ourselves with different textures. This allows us to change all of the in game textures without the need to load a script or an addon in game. It does not interfere with game play, does not overwrite anything, and does not conflict with other addons in game.
I worked on the project with Quokka for about a year. Having copies of the AI-ART repository, I simply grabbed the oldest one I had and uploaded everything to start working on it again. First and foremost it needs to be said: This project belongs to Quokka, whole or in part. Even though I will be making changes to make the textures compatible, the project is and always will be his. Any changes by community members would be awesome and I look forward to working with you
Can I donate to this? -
No.As stated before this was not my project. I simply worked on it with the author Quokka. His profile is listed on the wowinterface website. You can look him up and donate to him if you wish.
This iteration of AI-Art now officially belongs to me. I have received permission from Quokka to use and modify it for the private server(s) community.
"Re: Use of AI-Art
Originally Posted by eqsanctum
Just wanted to let you know I was reviving the use of AI-Art on a private server. It's for v1.12 of wow and I am taking full responsibility for it. At the same time I'm directing people to you. Giving you full credit and not taking anything for it.
I know this probably isn't something you wanted to do but I didn't want to do it without at least letting you know.
Thanks for the Information. It's all yours.
You have my blessing.
What's the benefit? -
- No extra memory in game being used.
- Because this is a private server, no chance of the texture files ever breaking.
- The files are just textures, if something does "break" it will simply look off. Which means it wont crash your game or throw up the error frame.
- Its 100% client side and visual only.
- It does not alter game play in any form or fashion.
- Because its a texture replacement, it is easily added to by the community.
- No scripting required.
- It is compatible with each and every addon in existence (People will say a texture not matching an addon, examples like wow instant messnger, are considered breaking. Well no it's not. It wont crash your game, use extra memory, or throw up addon errors. It will just look weird. While annoying, that is not breaking your game.)
- You can't just switch the textures around on the fly. You have to reload the entire client for changes to occur.
- Testing can be tedious.
- Any fixes may take up to a solid week or more to change for one texture and verify it on my end.
- Some textures simply will not take in game. (Login screen is a good example. The "ini" xml files are not editable. It's possible to make them so, but that would require the admin to edit the executabe)
- "Sets" of textures for a different look and feel are extremely hard to do without community participation.
How do I install it? -
- Download It.
- Extract the rar.
- The files ahould be inside a folder named "Interface".
- Delete the contents of your interface folder from me before installing a new version. ( not addons folder )
- Copy that interface folder to your wow directory.
- Done.
Watch the install video-
Screenshot -
Link to screenshot, to see it full size: