There's a couple things you can try.
First of all test your actual .mp3 files to make sure wow sound engine can play them.
Put them in the folder
before starting the client (wow can't read new files after it boots up)
Then test from command-line in-game like so:
- Code: Select all
/script PlayMusic("Interface\\AddOns\\WankooMP3\\MP3\\1.mp3")
If you hear the soundfile playing so far so good.
Now looking at the code I'm guessing the playlist format is not as you have constructed it.
Try with something like this.
WankooMP3PlayList.lua in the addon folder like you said and put something like this inside
- Code: Select all
PlayList = {
MP3File("1.mp3", 213, "Artist1", "Album1", "SongName1"),
MP3File("2.mp3", 209, "Artist1", "Album1", "SongName2")
Only difference is in the first argument you put the filename after the MP3 addon subfolder.
If you had inside MP3, some genre or Album or whatever subfolders you'd put that path fragment.
Eg. actual full path: <wow install>\Interface\AddOns\WankooMP3\MP3\Dubstep\Trolley Snatcha - The Future.mp3.
Name variable in PlayList would be:
"Dubstep\\Trolley Snatcha - The Future.mp3"