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Good looking skins for actionbar buttons?

PostPosted: Sat Nov 12, 2016 11:35 pm
by sp00ned

I'm looking for some smooth looking skins for the actionbar addons out there. It seems like a lot of people use some really good looking skins, but the ones I've tried change the button to look somewhat different, but the overall resolution of the button just doesn't do it for me.

Here's a example:

The idea of having the button skinned like that is awesome, but the resolution or texture quality, whatever you want to call it, just isn't there. But I've seen some people pull off some extremely smooth looking skins for their actionbar buttons in their UI's.

What's the secret?

What actionbar addon do you use, paired with what skinner/skins for the buttons?

Re: Good looking skins for actionbar buttons?

PostPosted: Sun Nov 13, 2016 3:15 am
by notslipry
dl bartender2 and bartender2_circled and make ur own skin by editing the images