As a healer, since I played for the first time in wow I always used Healbot, even at the expense of the fact that it may be not so convenient to use as Grid+Clique combo.
This does not mean that this will always remain so in the future, but at present I find myself better with this setup.
Before the server opened, I had documented organizing my addons, and among these I added Manasaver.
Manasaver is an addon that allows you to cast healing spells appropriate for the situation, thus avoiding constantly using the highest rank (going so "overhealing" and wasting too much mana for nothing, especially during instances/raids).
The usefulness of this is that it creates macros that can be used in any raid frame addon (e.g. Grid and Healbot Continued to name a few).
The problem is that the first versions of Healbot do not have support for macros, so you can not take full advantage of HB shortcuts Ctrl/Shift/Alt + Mouse buttons to cast a manasaver macro.
For now the only feasible alternatives that I understood is that either it would need a rewrite of Healbot Continued for the vanilla, or that by editing .lua of Healbot being able to "force" the use of Manasaver macros.
Someone more expert could direct me towards a solution that is not (obviously for my case) Grid + Clique?