The object of this message is simple : I use an AddOn, and it's not working 100% like I wish it would, it has no settings allowing to do what I wish and I don't have the required skills to lookup the .lua code to try to modify it.
So I'm looking for someone who can do it for me .
I'm fully aware that what I ask might be time-consuming, and I think every work deserves to be fairly-priced, so if you are skilled enough to do what I ask but it's too long, I'm okay with giving you a little money you know, it's only fair.
Below is a description of the Add-On and how I would like it to work - as you'll see, it's really not complicated.
What I propose is that you look a little bit at what I want and to the .lua code of the Add-On, and then send me a PM if you're able to help me out, and for how much. Please keep in mind that even if I'm completely inclined to pay something, whether it's Nostalrius gold or some IRL money, I expect a little bit of good faith and willingness to help from you if you plan to help me. There is no way I'll be able to pay anything related to a real-life hourly wage or anything, really .
My problem :
I am using CT_Buffmod [Colored] and CT_ItemBuffs [Colored] to display my own buffs/debuffs and weapons buffs. As you might have guessed, these AddOns are a modified version of the regular CT mods CT_Buffmod & CT_ItemBuffs - the modifications were done during 2005-2006 by some player on retail, "Fritos", I did nothing myself.
You can download these Add-Ons here.
What bothers me is the way the buffs and debuffs are sorted. It looks like this in its current state (the Add-On has two different skins that you can choose from) :
As you can see, it's a mess, in terms of organization.
I would like to have my buffs sorted by duration. With the longest ones at the top, and the ones about to expire at the bottom. And exactly the same for my debuffs, that would be packed below my buffs, but with a little space between my "buffs pack" and my "debuffs pack".
Ideally, I would like to have my weapon buffs (regardless of their duration) at the top of my buffs, separated from the rest by a little space too (or in a separate window, which I could put right at the top of my "debuff pack", so it would be the same)
Long story short, I would like to have :
Weapon Buff 1 - whaterever the duration is ;
Weapon Buff 2 - whatever the duration is ;
----- (small space)
Buff 1 (longest) ;
Buff 2 ;
Buff 3 (shortest) ;
--- (small space)
Debuff 1 (longest) ;
Debuff 2 ;
Debuff 3 (shortest).
Elkhano's Buff Bar does this kind of sorting (only partially ; and I prefer the CT_Colored skin anyway), so here is an exemple of buffs sorted by duration like I would like it to be sorted by CT_Colored :
So, that's pretty much it. As you can see, it's nothing big, I'm just some kind of UI freak that likes to have everything as he wishes . Sorry for the long post to describe such a little thing.
If someone is able to help me, I will of course give them full credit for their work, and share their version with everyone else interested. If anyone else is interested, feel free to contact me to share the fee with the potential developper.
Kind regards,
EDIT : a quote that could help any dev interested in helping me :
Scamp wrote:Youfie wrote:Scamp wrote:Has anyone had any luck with the original sorting issue in the OP? It should be possible to do using a standard table sort (I've already got one of those working in questie.) If it's still unsolved I could take a look.
Kill almost made the AddOn perfect apparently (see his videos), he just never posted his work for some reason .
So yeah, you're welcome to give it a try
What a card.
Well, I've gotten it to sort the buffs how you wanted. It's not as efficient as it could be, but it does work well.
Here's the release (It's all up on github -- why write code if you're just going to let it rot away on your HDD)
For anyone interested in the core of what I added, here's the sort function, It's pretty simple:
- Code: Select all
-- index b is isDebuff
-- index d is time remaining
function AE_CT_DURATIONSORT(a, b)
if not (a['b'] == b['b']) then -- one is a buff, one is a debuff
if a['b'] == 1 then
return false; -- buffs before debuffs
return true;
return a['d'] > b['d']; -- they are the same so compare by remaining time