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Account Banned while not having Played for a while?

PostPosted: Wed Aug 19, 2015 9:06 pm
by ExpJustice
Character Name: RetOnly

I recently tried to log on to nostalrius after quite a while.
Since i sadly,as it seems, count remember my correct password i got the message that the account has been banned.
That was after trying ~4 times what my nostalrius password was.
Is the Account somehow recoverable or am i, as the saying goes, shit out of luck?

Edit: To add to that. I acctually logged in during the AV weekend and got the password right immediately. So id be more then surprised if that was the problem

Edit2: PROBLEM SOLVED. After trying the SAME password again after a bit it worked flawlesly...

Re: Account Banned while not having Played for a while?

PostPosted: Thu Aug 20, 2015 9:15 pm
by Shadowx93ca
Hello there, ExpJustice!

As you've come to notice, but also possibly misunderstand, attempting to log onto an account several times will lock it for a duration of time, to make it harder for someone to hack onto an account by guessing passwords. You were not banned at any time, but rather had your account locked as a means to prevent unwanted intrusion

Light bless!