First of all, keep your account name secret and only post charter names on the forum!
If you are under lvl 15 and have not been using any botting, hacks, multiboxing or similar you have probably been banned for "spamming" in public chats.
On Nostalrius it's very common for character under lvl 15 to accidentally get banned for spamming in public chats (even if you did not actually spam). This is to prevent goldspam etc. So this is probably why you was banned and if that is the case you will get unbanned after the GMs review your appeal here but it could take a couple of days...
You could wait and see what a GM say and then wait for an decision and/or you could just make a new account (you can use the same email and it's allowed to have more than one account as long as you don't use them at the same time, read about that in ToU).
If you wish to get your account un-banned you need to provide character name and what server you play on (pvp/pve) and post in the Account issuses forum: